Helping to pass on the faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life

Join us and pray - each time you click pray below, the person requesting prayer will be notified.


  • I ask for prayers for my wife, her health (hair loss), her pregnancy and our marriage. For a house for the family we are building. For my work, the conversion of my bosses and that we do not lack clients. For the priest who guides me, Eduardo Toraño and his needs. For the health of all of us (my eyes/sight). Thank you very much for your prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
  • Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B'lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.pray for Neha Nikita to settle in same house in B'lore
  • Please pray for Sebi: Jobless, struggling with mental illness, unmarried, and troubled by his father's heart problems.
    Please do pray for employment, healing, companionship, and strength for me.
  • Please pray that Gary would be a Father to his biological son Caleb and provide all of his needs mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial in Texas!!!
  • 1. Personal relationship with Trinity God and fill with wisdom of GOD
    2. Family life and mission- WIFE and six kids (Elroi John,Dominic Xavier,Ann Carmel,Irene Mary,Helen Rose,Clare Therese)
    3. Children- lead holy life,early discernment of vocation
    4. Lead a holy family life seeking kingdom of God always.
    5. all other Responsibilities
  • My job contract is about to end soon. Please pray that I may find a next job soon. Also please pray for my wife that she may also find a new job. In Jesus name.
  • Please Pray that Jesus would restore our house that was stolen from us in 2021, in Reno/Sparks marriage covenant Max and Brendaly in Reno/Sparks.
    Please Pray that Jesus would Bless Max and Brendaly marriage with Love, Health, Finances, spiritually, mentally in Reno/Sparks.
  • Freedom from every evil eye and binding spell.
  • Suffering from 4th stage cancer metastases. Unbearable pain in bones.requesting for miracle healing. Amen
  • Please Pray for the house in Reno/Sparks, double for the trouble in marriage covenant Max and Brendaly Reno/Sparks that was stolen from us in 2021!
  • for the renewal of the consecration of the usa to the immaculate hearth and to the sacred hearth
  • Please can you pray for Mariia health, for my mother. That God healed her, thank you!!
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