Helping to pass on the faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life

Join us and pray - each time you click pray below, the person requesting prayer will be notified.


  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    We lift up Sophia and her family to you today.
    Fill them with grace,health, mercy, love, peace, and courage - the blessings they need in this life and beyond.
    Let your Angels protect them from harm and guide their steps.
    May they find comfort, strength, and salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen
  • A miracle for 3 families who are n a terrible situation prayers for no court, or taking of the housing list to get there miracle homes, that there will be no conflict, anger, or threats, only peace and understanding and a peaceful communication, kindness from the people who will be angry making threats when these 3 families refuse to do what they want. I beg urgent prayers please please jesus. Thank you
  • Pray for Tommy who is having his leg amputated today.
  • Please offer a masses and pray for Mother Vesna Ljubičić. She had brain cancer type 2 . She had two surgeries and after one year we found yesterday that little cancer that wasnt able to be removed is growning . Please pray that God heal her completely and Jesus bless all the procedures that she must go under again. That Jesus personally guide her give her strenght His Kingdom and rightousness and gives her completly health and that cancer is removed and that it never return again.In Jesus mighty name we pray .Thank You Jesus .We know that You have heard us and answered our prayers.
    That God bless all the doctors and team that guide her and alm their loved ones and that they find the best solution and treatment for my mum .
    That God bless all those treatments that gives my mum best life and abundance to her and my dad.
    That God unite us all with His strenght and love and gives strenght and that He bless health of all of us.
    In Jesus name we ask
    Thank you and God bless you all abundant
  • Father,please pray for me to getting good government job
  • I am a 41 one year old woman who was never been married. I was engaged twice and bitterly let down before the wedding. I have been so lonely for 13 years. I lost my mother suddenly 4 years ago, she was my best friend. My dad just turned 90 and I have one brother and my only two friends are both currently pregnant.

    I have no other family to turn to. I suffer chronic pain and depression.

    I petition most holy St Joseph, terror of demons, protector of the Holy Family, that if it is God’s Will I will find a good man who can be my husband. I am pleading not to be left to live this lonely life, and to die surrounded by only strangers. I cry alone at night worried about this. I feel so lost. Please St Joseph, Our Lady, Our Lord and all the angels, send me a good, trustworthy, kind spouse so that I may enjoy this most worthy of sacraments and in so glorify God’s plan for the world. Amen.
  • Please pray for the restoration of joy and love to my heart and mind after an intense and dark period of mental illness. I believe this experience is to bring me closer to God, please pray that His love and light can guide me for the future.
  • father, please pray for my family to rebuild my husband have send divorce petition against me he wants only my children. He don't like me to live together. father, he don't like prayer and church. He want to become an etheist.and also he is a drunken man. He have lot of friends. He always watching blue films send by rajesh(his friend).please pray for my husband and our children.father he prevents children from praying.
  • Please pray for the healing of Deepak's skin disease. Thank you.
  • Prayer request
    Sister letizia
    Sister Marian
    Sister Edie
    Sister Kathleen
    Father Francis
    Father Orr
    Brother John
    Pastor David
    Pastor John
    Pastor Bob
    Pastor Michael
  • ''Holy Mother with each new day, we are getting closer and closer to Christmas. I pray that each new day will bring Robert Cletus Driscoll (Bobby Driscoll) closer and closer to the joys of Heaven...
    Please encourage The Holy Souls in Purgatory. let a light from Heaven touch them...
    Holy Mother, please help Bobby to be ready to meet his God and Father...
    Please clean him up and remember to wash behind is ears....
    Please Welcome Bobby into Heaven and smile and tell Jesus he is my son in the name of Jesus Christ…AMEN’’
  • Please pray for me to get mega projects in my careers of 1. Film Direction, 2. Film Direction Workshops, 3. VFX and Animation Consultancy job, 4. Visiting Faculty of Filmmaking, 5. Screenwriting.
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