Helping to pass on the faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life

CGA Prayer Request

Please pray for all grandparents and grandchildren struggling to pass on their faith in families or situations that may be hostile to our faith. Give them hope and understanding to be Grandparents of integrity.

Once you have sent in your prayer request, please pray with us below, each prayer request will be notified when you have prayed for them.

There is a candle lighting for your intentions at The Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in Ireland and The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in England.

Please pray for my son to find his way back to you.

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  • So I have an eating disorder that I am trying to stop, but I don't know how it even started. I keep just getting food for now. May God help me with this disorder and help me to improve my life and be healthier.
  • Dear God, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Please Help my son, Support my son, and give the maximum opportunities to my son, Sahara to get at least 45+ Study Scores for all 5 subjects at this year's VCE exam and get his name to the honour roll 5 times in this year and get Premiers Award. Please Help my son, Support my son, and give the maximum opportunities to my son, Sahara to get very good and highest marks for each and every answer of his exams and get at least 99+ ATAR score for the VCE exam in this year and become the DUX in Mackillop College and get an interview for a high achieving students in this year VCE. Please grant this through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. Thank you.
  • For financial security/ abundance/breakthroughs.
    For urgent, appropriate/best employment.
    For bodily/physical, mental, emotional, psychological, social/relational/familial, financial health&healing.
    For conversion, help and guidance for me and my family.
    For happiness, love and togetherness of me & my family.
    For deliverance from all evil.
    For immediate application& approval of visas of my family to get here in the US and live with me
  • Please pray for my daughter Jolie Justina who currently needs God's healing and intervention to speak and communicate. May she be healed from all physical and Psychological (mental and emotional) infirmities that are hindering her growth and speech. May the Lord God continue to sprinkle his healing stream all over her body and heal her through Christ Jesus. Amen.
  • Please pray for the salvation of my soul and the souls of my children and grandchildren and my whole family. Thank you for praying for my family and I will pray for yours.
  • Please pray that the walls between myself and sisters crumble so we can communicate in the care of our mother and her needs are met and she can experience her family intact.
  • Lord keep delivering me and healing me of any voices in head amen
  • Pray for healing for my husband's pain in his leg. It causes him not to be able to walk without assistance. Seen doctor, tests done, waiting on results.
  • Intentions and thanksgivings please 🙏☘️
  • Please in your kindness pray for our unborn grandchild and his/her parents. That God guide them back to the Church and that our grandbaby who is due Feb. 2024 be born healthy and without complications. For this child, I have prayed.... Thank you in advance for your prayers.
  • For healing within families and with special intention for the innocents. Prayers that God's grace fill the hearts of our grandchildren - Gabriella and Ava and the hearts of their parents Amanda & Jim. May God heal all sickness & wounds. God bless them and keep them all safe. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen
  • For the conversion of my husband, son-in-law, and grandson. For the return to the faith of two daughters, a son-in-law, two sisters, and friends Linda and Rafael. For the healing of my husband’s lung cancer and of my sister, if it is God’s will.
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